What is kohlrabi

 Kohlrabi contains anti-aging ingredients.  In this, along with sufficient amount of vitamin B, protein is also found more than other vegetables, the place of origin, the central ocean region and Supposed to be in Cyprus.  Brought to India by the Portuguese.  Which is produced in every state of the country. The special pleasant aroma of Kohlrabi is due to ‘Sinegrin’ glucoside.  It is rich in nutrients.  It is rich in vitamins ‘A’ and ‘C’ and minerals like calcium, phosphorus.

How to plant kohlrabi

Popular in Germany and India, kohlrabi is named after the German words for cabbage (kohl) and turnip (rube), and the crunchy and versatile vegetable bears both its names. This hardy biennial is often grown as an annual. It is easy to grow in mild climates, which makes it a unique and tasty addition to any garden. You can learn how to plant and care for kohlrabi to give your crop the best chance of success.

 When is kohlrabi in season

 Climate: It is a cool season crop. Its other climatic requirements are similar to that of cauliflower. In the plains of northern India, it is cultivated as an autumn crop, but in southern India it is grown during the kharif season.

, kohlrabi season, kohlrabi growing season, kohlrabi growing season

What fertilizer does kohlrabi need? 

The land whose Ph.  If the value is between 5.5 to 7, that land is considered suitable for lump kohlrabiloamy loam soil with good drainage for early crop and loam or clay soil is suitable for late crop, generally knot kohlrabi is cultivated in different types of land.  The land in which organic manure is available in sufficient quantity is good for its cultivation, it can be cultivated by adding sufficient amount of organic manure to the land of light composition.

How do you fertilize kohlrabi? Does kohlrabi need full sun? Why is my kohlrabi not forming bulbs?

 Preparation of the field: First plow the field, when the land becomes cultivable, then plowing it 2 times with a soil-reversing plow, after that run the cultivator 2 times and after each plowing, make sure to plant a pad.

Manure(compost) for kohlrabi: To get a good yield of kohlrabi, at least 35-40 quintals of cow dung rotted manure, 50 kg neem cake and 50 kg castor cake etc., mix all these fertilizers well and sow it in the field.  Before, spread this mixture in equal quantity, after that prepare the field by plowing the field well, then sowing it.

 Vermi wash is used after 15 days of transplanting.

 To use chemical fertilizer, 120 kg nitrogen, 60 kg phosphorus and 60 kg potash should be used as element.

Species of kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is a brassica in the cabbage family. Increasingly popular, kohlrabi is also available in a variety of cultivars, all easy to grow, with minor variations in appearance and time to maturity. The biggest difference is whether you choose the green or purple variety.Green kohlrabi varieties include Corridor and Winner, which mature early in about 50 days, compared to about 60 for some other varieties. Bright lime-green in color, they make an attractive addition to the garden bed. 

 Early Varieties:

 Early white, white Vienna varieties come under this category.

 Late varieties:

 Under this category, Purple Top, Purple Vienna, Grease come in varieties, the main two improved varieties of lump cabbage are mentioned below.

 White Vienna

 It is an early and low growing variety, its knots are smooth green and globe shaped, its anus is soft and white in color, the stems and leaves are light green in color. It is sown from the second fortnight of August to October  This copy is

Purple kohlrabi seeds 

 It is a late variety, its plants have more leaves, the color of leaves and stems is purple, the skin of its knots is also purple and thick, its anus is white in color and soft for greenness, the fiber in the knots is formed late in its seeds.  Sowing is done from the end of August to October, this per hectare.

Purple kohlrabi varieties such as Azure Star and Kolibri are particularly bug-resistant, because of the purple leaves on the plant, which keep insects away. Taste wise, you may not notice much difference. Storage varieties like Cossack, Supersmelz and Gigante are, as you might guess, much larger than regular varieties of kohlrabi. They’ll last a long time in the cellar or fridge, prepared correctly. Taste-wise, all these varieties are very similar.

 sowing seeds

Prepare the soil for sowing: Several weeks before the last frost of spring, kohlrabi can be planted, which means you can start your soil early. Kohlrabi should be planted in well tilled soil rich in compost. It is hardy in most conditions, although it excels in soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.8. Good drainage is also helpful for your kohlrabi plants to avoid rot and scorch, so make sure you have an area of ​​the garden that doesn’t collect a lot of water.

 Like cauliflower, its kohlrabi seeds plant is first prepared in the nursery, the plant grown in about 100 meters square area is one.  It is sufficient for transplanting the land, its seed is sown in the nursery from mid-August to November according to the crop, whereas in hilly areas it is sown in February, for its cultivation in the plains, the time of sowing seeds in the nursery is as follows:  is

  •  Early harvest – mid August
  •  Late harvest – October to November

 Seed Quantity: Per hectare for lump cabbage.  1 – 1.5 kg of seed is sufficient.

planting kohlrabi seeds

 how to sow seeds

, , , , kohlrabi seeds for sale,  giant kohlrabi seeds, how to grow kohlrabi from seed kohlrabi seedlings growing kohlrabi from seed

 First, 200 to 300 grams of cow urine or neem oil should be purified at the rate of per kg of seed.  Along with this, 160 to 175 ml mixed with 2.5 liters of water should be treated in nursery at the rate of per piece square meter.  To prepare healthy kohl rabi plants, when the land is ready, a bed of 0.75 m wide, 5 to 10 m long, 15 to 20 cm high should be made.  Between the two beds, a 50 to 60 cm wide drain should be kept for watering and other activities.  

Before planting, 5 kg of cow dung should be mixed per bed and 10 g murate of potash and 5 kg urea per square meter should be mixed in the beds.  Plants should be planted in rows 2.5 to 5 cm apart.  After sowing the seeds in the beds, the seeds should be covered with rotted manure.  After 1 to 2 days water should be applied in the drains or water should be given from Hazare beds.

kohlrabi seeds how to grow

Transplantation kohlrabi: When the plants are 4-5 weeks old, then it should be transplanted. While transplanting the seedlings, the distance between the rows and the plants is 25 and 15 cm.  Keep it while sometimes 20 by 20, 20 by 25, 25 by 35 cm.  but also Transplantation.

 irrigation of kohlrabi

 Irrigate immediately after planting, after that with a gap of one week, in late crop with an interval of 10-15 days, it should be kept in mind that there should not be any lack of moisture in the soil at the time of flower formation.

 pest control of kohlrabi

 cabbage maggot

 It attacks the roots due to which the plants dry up.


 For its prevention, neem fertilizer should be used in the field.


 This insect sucks the sap of the leaves and other soft parts of the plant, due to which the leaves turn yellow.


 For its prevention, mix the decoction of neem with cow urine and prepare the mixture thoroughly and take 750 ml.  Lee.  Spray the mixture on a per pump basis.

 green cabbage worm

 They eat both the leaves, due to which the shape of the leaves deteriorates.


 For its prevention, mix cow urine with neem oil and mix it well and apply 500 ml.  Lee.  Spray the mixture on a per pump basis.

Diamond Backmoth

 These moths are brown or brown in color which is 1 cm.  m.  Its eggs are long, 0.8 mm.  m.  Their trunk is 1 cm in diameter.  m.  is elongated which eats the edges of the leaves of plants.


 For its prevention, mix cow urine with neem oil and mix it well and apply 500 ml.  Lee.  Spray the mixture on a per pump basis in the crop.

For the prevention of diseases, before sowing the seeds, sow the seeds after treating them with cow urine, kerosene or neem oil.

 wet thawing

 This disease is caused by mildew due to which the plant dies.


 For this, before sowing the seeds should be treated with neem oil, cow urine or kerosene.

 black rat

 This disease is caused by Xanthomonas campestris. English (V) shaped brown or yellowish spots are clearly visible on the leaves of the diseased plants. The inner part of the stalk or root turns black, the leaves gradually turn yellow and dry up.


 For this, before sowing the seeds should be treated with neem oil, cow urine or kerosene.

 Club Rat and Soft Rat

 This disease is caused by mildew, the plant is thin, soft and it smells bad, this disease is more common in snowballs.


 Cabbage category crops should not be grown in such an area in which there has been an outbreak of these diseases and do not grow mustard plants near it.


 When flowering stem is 5 – 8 cm.  Mr.  When the diameter is reached, then harvesting should be done, due to late harvesting, the line increases in the knots, due to which its good vegetable is not able to be made.


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 It gives 150 quintal yield per hectare.

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  • how to cook kohlrabi
  • how to cut kohlrabi
  • how to eat kohlrabi
  • how to harvest kohlrabi
  • how to peel kohlrabi
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