सौरमंडल में पृथ्वी
दोस्तों आज मैं आपको सौरमंडल के बारे में रहा हु। दोस्तों सूर्यास्त के बात आप आकाश को देंखेंगे तो बहूत ही अच्छा लगता है जब आप देखते रहते है तो कुछ समय बाद आसमान में अशंख्य छोटे- छोटे पिंड चमकने लगते है। आपने अवश्य ही गौर किया होगा की कुछ पिंड का चमकाहट औरो से भिन्य होगे ये चन्द्रमा है। आपने ये गौर किया होगा की ये प्रीतिदिन आकर में परिवर्तन होता रहता है, जब यह पूर्ण चन्द्रमा के रूप में होता है तो पूर्णिमा कहलाता है। और जब यह पूर्णिमा के ठीक पन्दरह दिन बाद देखेंगे तो यह आधा होता है इसे अमबस्या कहते है।
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saurmandal me pridhivi |
सौरमंडल के भाग (saurmandal ke bhag)
सौरमंडल क्या है(what issolar system) ?
क्षुद्र ग्रह
सौरमंडल में पृथ्वी
प्रश्न 1: ग्रह और तारे में क्या अंतर है?
No. | ग्रह | तारे |
1. | ग्रह टिमटिमाते नही है। | तारे टिमटिमाते है। |
2. | ग्रह के पास अपना प्रकाश नही होता है। | तारों के पास अपना प्रकाश होता है। |
3. | ग्रह तारों का चक्कर लगाते है। | तारे किसी खगोलिय पिंड का चक्कर लगाते है। |
4 | ग्रह का आकार तारों से छोटा होता है। | इसका आकार बहुत बड़ा होता है। |
प्रश्न 2:सौरमंडल से आप क्या समझते हैं?
प्रश्न 3: सूर्य से उनकी दूरी के अनुसार सभी ग्रहों के नाम लिखो।
प्रश्न 4: पृथ्वी को अद्भुत ग्रह क्यों कहा जाता है?
प्रश्न 5: हम हमेशा चंद्रमा के एक ही भाग को क्यों देख पाते हैं?
प्रश्न 6: ब्रह्माण्ड क्या है?
सही उत्तर चिन्हित करें।
हमारा सौरमंडल कौन सी आकाशगंगा में स्थित है
खाली स्थान भरें।
सौरमंडल का सबसे बड़ा ग्रह कौन सा हैं
सौरमंडल का सबसे बड़ा ग्रह – बृहस्पति है
Earth in the Solar System
saurmandal me pridhivi
Guys, today I have been talking to you about the solar system. Guys, when you look at the sky at sunset, it feels very good. When you keep looking, after some time, innumerable small objects start shining in the sky. You must have noticed that the luminosity of some objects will be different from others. This is the moon. You may have noticed that this pre-day changes in shape; when it is in the form of a full moon, it is called full moon. And when you see it exactly fifteen days after the full moon, it is half; it is called Ambasya.
saurmandal me pridhivi
Parts of the Solar System
The Sun, the moon, and all the objects that glow in the night sky are called celestial bodies. Some astronomical objects are large in size and made of gases that have their own light and heat. It is called a star. When you have noticed at night, you may have noticed that a lot of shapes are formed from the stars. This constellation is called the easily recognizable constellation Ursa Major or Big Bear in which Saptarishi is a group of seven stars.
Some celestial bodies have their own light and heat. They are illuminated by the light of the star, called planets. The planet, which is called Planet in English, has come from the Greek language, which literally means orbiting.
Did you know that the planet we live on is a planet that gets all its energy from the Sun? It also has a moon, which is located at a distance of 384400 km. It is located at a distance of 150 million from the Sun. It is the third-largest planet in terms of distance. It is the 5th largest planet in size. It is flattened at its North and South Poles due to which it is called Earth. Optimized for the environment. Essential for life like oxygen, caravan, etc. are present in the air. Seen from space, it appears to be blue due to the fact that two-thirds of the Earth is water. It is also called the blue planet.
What is the solar system?
In our solar system, the Sun, eight planets, satellites, and other celestial bodies like asteroids, meteorites, etc. together form the solar system, which is headed by the Sun.
The Sun
The Sun is in the center of the solar system. It is made of hydrogen and helium. It provides a huge amount of energy due to nuclear fusion. It is located at a distance of 150 million from the Earth.
There are a total of 8 planets in our solar system according to the distance Mercury, Venus, Earth Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Arun, Varuna. All of these seem to be circling the Sun in a long way
The celestial body orbiting the planet is called a satellite. Jupiter was the most known of the satellites known so far, but recently scientists discovered that the most common satellite is 82 Saturn. The only satellite of the Earth is the moon. Mercury and Venus do not have a single satellite.
Apart from planets and satellites, the Sun keeps orbiting other celestial bodies. It is called an asteroid. A strip of asteroids is found between Mars and Jupiter. It is believed that these are the parts of the planets which are separated from the planet due to the explosion and keep circling.
Meteorites are small lumps of rocks orbiting the Sun. Sometimes these meteorites come close to the Earth and get burnt, and sometimes they come to the Earth. Its speed is such that when it keeps on flowing, the water rises on the surface due to friction with the air, which causes loss of wealth and people.
The group of stars is called the Milky Way, which contains millions of stars. Our solar system is part of this Milky Way
saurmandal me pridhivi
The universe
The group of galaxies is called the universe, which is not difficult to imagine
Earth in the Solar System
NCERT book solutions
Answer the following questions.
Ques 1: What is the difference between a planet and a star?
No. Planet stars
1. The planet does not flicker. The stars are twinkling.
2. The planet does not have its own light. The stars have their own light.
3. The planets revolve around the stars. The stars revolve around an astronomical object.
4 The size of the planet is smaller than the stars. Its size is very large.
Ques 2: What do you understand by the solar system?
Answer: ‘Solar system’ literally means ‘family of the sun.’ Surya is the head of this family. The Sun, eight planets, satellites, and other celestial bodies, such as asteroids and meteorites, all combine to form the solar system.
Question 3: Write the names of all the planets according to their distance from the Sun.
Answer: Buddha, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
Ques 4: Why is the Earth called a wonderful planet?
Answer: Earth is the only planet where there is life. The atmosphere here is conducive to life. It is neither too hot nor too cold. There is both air and water, which is essential for our life. Hence it is called the wonderful planet.
Ques 5: Why do we always see the same part of the moon?
Answer: The moon takes about 27 days to complete one revolution of the Earth. That’s how long it takes to complete one revolution on its axis. That is why we can always see the same part of the moon.
Ques 6: What is the universe?
Answer: All the elements present in space like planets, stars, satellites, galaxies are collectively called the universe.
Mark the correct answer.
(i) Which planet is called the twin planet of the Earth
Wow so good