विश्व के प्रमुख कंपनियों(company) के सीईओ (CEO)
अर्धसैनिक बलों के प्रमुख आयोग के अध्यक्ष एवं सचिव Chairman and Secretary of the Chief Commission of Paramilitary Forces, Director General. you’ll have 15 second to answer each question. Start The Quiz Time’s Up score: Next question See Your Result Chairman and Secretary of the Chief Commission of Paramilitary Forces Quiz Result. Total Questions: Attempt:…
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CURRENT AFFAIRS IN HINDI 28 SEPTEMBER FOR RAILWAYS, NTPC, SSC, BPSC. CURRENT AFFAIRS IN HINDI हाल ही विश्व पर्यटन दिवस कब मनाया गया है ? 25 सितम्बर 27 सितम्बर 28 सितम्बर 26 सितम्बर हाल ही में किस साथ बौद्ध संबंधों को बढ़ावा देने के लिए 15 मिलियन डॉलर सहायता दी है ? नेपाल म्यांमार श्रीलंका…
CURRENT AFFAIRS IN HINDI 15 SEPTEMBER FOR BPSC, UPSC, RAILWAY, SSC. CURRENT AFFAIRS IN HINDI 15 SEPTEMBER. 1. हाल ही में हिंदी दिवस कब मनाया गया है ?12 septembar13 septembar14 septembar15 septembar2.हाल ही में योशिहिदे सुगा को किस देश का नए प्रधानमंत्री चुना गयी यही ?रूसजापानइजराइलबांग्लादेश3.हाल ही में फेसबुक ने वैश्विक व्यापर समूह के निदेशक…
आंग्ल मैसूर युद्ध anglo mysore yudh quiz anglo mysore yudh quiz you can also join us telegram-: click me आंग्ल मैसूर युद्ध in hindi you’ll have 15 second to answer each question. Select Catagory Time’s Up score: Next question See Your Result Quiz Result Total Questions: Attempt: Correct: Wrong: Percentage: Start Again Go To Home
geography quiz questions and answers SSC, Railways & Other state-level exams ask questions from the General Awareness subject which consists of History, polity, geography & current affairs. Geography requires you to learn topics thoroughly and regularly revise, as memorizing is an integral part of this subject. To ace the Geography section, studying daily along with…